New York City Vending | Micro-Market | Office Coffee & Break Rooms

5 Reasons Why Break Rooms are an Essential Part of Your New York City Company Culture

New York City break rooms are an employee oasis. It’s a place where staff can go to relax and recharge. Additionally, it allows them to connect with others. An associate can enjoy a cup of coffee and chat with a coworker.

As such, the break room is an essential part of your workplace culture. That’s why it’s important to create a welcoming atmosphere your team will really enjoy.

Here are five reasons why the break room is a key ingredient in your corporate culture.

Break Rooms Create Connections

When employees feel connected, they also feel more fulfilled. Employee connection is an important component of a successful workplace. Coworkers feel more comfortable around each other. As a result, they’re more likely to collaborate.

Your New York City office coffee service is a great way to foster connection in the office. Employees can grab their favorite morning coffee or cappuccino. They can also catch up with a coworker. What a great way to start the day!

Encourage More Mini Breaks

Taking small breaks throughout the day will promote productivity. That’s because employees can step away from their desks and refresh their focus. Breaks also give them an opportunity to move their bodies.

Encourage your crew to take breaks with a fabulous New York City vending service. An associate can take a stroll to the break room to grab their favorite snack. Or, they can head to a micro-market for a healthy meal.

New York City Workplace Culture | Productivity | Break Rooms

More breaks will reduce burnout. This makes your office a healthier – and happier – place to work.

Boost Workplace Wellness

More New York City offices are launching wellness programs to keep their staff healthy. Micro-markets are a great way to provide your staff with better-for-you options. For example, you can offer fresh fruit or protein-packed breakfast bars in your micro-market. Additionally, employees can effortlessly grab a salad or wrap for lunch.

Making nutritious food convenient and accessible will support your employees’ wellness goals. It’s also an amazing employee benefit!

Break Rooms are a Relaxation Station

A hectic work schedule can cause an employee to feel stressed. A calming break room encourages them to take a break and relax. Taking plenty of time to unwind will lead to healthier and happier New York City employees. That’s because a serene space eases tension and anxiety.

Offer plenty of comfy seats in your break room. Also, add a bean-to-cup coffee brewer or yoga mats. Your staff can enjoy the smell of coffeehouse or stretch.

Increase Employee Satisfaction

A great workplace culture can increase employee satisfaction. Employees that are connected feel more like a team in the workplace. This will boost employee retention. Moreover, it will help you hire top talent!

Great Corporate Culture Starts in Break Rooms

Do you want to enhance your workplace culture? Consider better New York City break room solutions. At Marché, we can help you pick the perfect products or services for your office. Whether you want a micro-market or an office coffee service, we can help!

To learn more, contact us today at (631) 637-3209. We look forward to chatting with you soon!

New York City Workplace Culture | Employee Satisfaction | Break Room Solutions

7 Ways to Upgrade Your New York City Break Room

New York City Workplace Culture | Employee Satisfaction | Break Room Solutions

A break room is an important part of any New York City workplace. Why is that? Because, it encourages socialization and promotes an engaging workplace culture. Additionally, premium break rooms give your team a place to relax and build genuine personal connections. Consequently, this leads to better productivity, collaboration and employee satisfaction.

So, does your New York City office break room need a boost? Keep reading to learn 7 ways you can upgrade your break room and enhance your workplace culture.

1. Offer New York City Office Coffee Services

Every cool break room should be fully stocked with coffee. Coffee is a great way to fuel your employees all day long. What’s more, a New York City office coffee service can show your employees how much you appreciate them.

By offering gourmet coffee and tea products, you’ll also help your employee’s build strong relationships. Yep, coffee encourages conversation and connection. Your team can chat over their favorite cup of brew.

2. Add a Break Room Hydration Station

Research shows that hydrated employees have high productivity levels. Moreover, drinking enough water can improve their mood, and reduce their chances of getting a headache. Keep your team healthy and hydrated by adding a New York City water filtration system! Fresh, clean water will refresh your employees. They’ll also be more satisfied. After all, who doesn’t love cool, crisp water?

3. Complimentary Pantry Services

Who doesn’t love free food? Offering a New York City office pantry service is the ultimate employee perk. You can offer a variety of free snack and drink options from a menu you create. This refreshment service is completely tailored to your office break room’s needs. So, level up today with a pantry service!

New York City Gourmet Coffee and Tea | Coffee Service | Break Room Water Service

4. It’s All About Variety

Provide an array of snack and beverage options. For example, offer New York City healthy products, salty bites, savory options, and sweet treats. By catering to every employee’s preferences, everyone feels included and can get something they enjoy.

5. Promote Relaxation

Your New York City break room is a place for employees to relax and recharge. Create an atmosphere with comfy couches and soothing artwork. For example, hang artwork with calming colors and peaceful images. This will provide your staff with a space to sit, relax, and unwind. Consequently, they’ll be able to conquer their day!

6. Make the Break Room Fun!

Make it fun! Encourage interaction and socialization with board games or video games. After all, your team deserves some entertainment and it’ll strengthen their workplace relationships!

7. Team Photos

Add some character with some team photos. Fill up the walls in your New York City break room with fun photos of your associates. For example, snap a shot of them at a company party or event. This will give your team a greater sense of community within your workplace!

Build a Better New York City Break Room

So, are you ready to upgrade your break room? You’ve come to the right place! We offer premium New York City refreshment solutions for companies of all sizes. To learn how we can help you, visit us at Marché or call (631) 637-3209 today!

Break Times in New York City | Vending Service | Office Coffee Service

Optimize Your New York City Employee Break Times: When Should You Visit the Break Room?

Break Times in New York City | Vending Service | Office Coffee Service

While workdays look different for everyone in New York City, one thing is common across industries; there are certain times people can expect to see their coworkers in the break room. Most notably lunchtime, but also around 2:00 pm, when the afternoon “blahs” set in and everyone looks to office coffee or tea for the solution.

But what if employees didn’t wait until they were sluggish to take a break and recoup? What if the ideal break time wasn’t mid-afternoon, but instead, mid-morning?

Earlier Breaks Promote Productivity

When asked, employees report that mid-morning breaks between 10:00 and 11:00 AM have the biggest impact on productivity. Not only do these mid-morning breaks promote productivity, but they also boost energy, concentration, and motivation. The further an employee’s break is from the start of the day, the less impact it has on their work performance.

The secret behind this philosophy is that employees shouldn’t wait until the afternoon slump to recharge. Taking a break before they are tired, even if it’s just a trip to the vending machine, can prevent them from hitting that afternoon wall.

Better Breaks Improve Satisfaction

Employees in New York City who spend part of their break doing something they enjoy has a positive impact on workplace satisfaction. What’s more, you’ll see employee benefits with fewer job-related complaints, such as headaches, eye strain, and low back pain. They are also less likely to get burned out. Improve your employee’s breaks with our innovative micro-market services.

New York City Break Times | Employee Benefit | Refreshment Solutions

Encourage Regular Break Times

When a company wants to do what’s best for its employees and promote productivity, they should encourage regular break times. That’s right, even if those breaks are only a few hours after employees clocked in. Persuading regular breaks helps employees keep their tanks full throughout the day.

Make sure to offer a comfortable break room with a variety of healthy snacks and beverages. That helps convince New York City employees that breaks are important. From traditional vending machines to office coffee, when leadership provides refreshment supplies as part of the employee benefit, it boosts company morale and makes employees feel valued and appreciated.

Looking for Break Room Services in New York City?

If your New York City business is looking for break room or vending services from a local company you can trust, look no further than Marché. We offer a full range of services, including vending machines, micro-markets, and office coffee service. Call us at 833-627-2431 to learn how we can improve your break room today!