New York City Beverage Vending | Free Vend Snacks | Corporate Picnic Tips

New York City Corporate Picnic Boosters

A summer picnic can boost your team’s mood and bring summer vibes to the workplace. Motivate your team this summer by adding something extra special to your company picnic. Or, create a picnic vibe in your New York City break room all summer long by adding these fun snack and beverage options.

The Best Picnic Boosters for Your Company Event

Indulge your team this summer with these picnic and break room boosters.

Sparkling Water

Fun, and healthy, sparkling water is a popular drink. Offer a variety of summery flavors such as citrus and berry. Sparkling water hits the spot during a picnic or barbecue.

Sparkling water is also a great break room staple. This is especially true during the hot summer months. Keep your team hydrated and cool by adding fizzy water to your New York City office pantry or micro market. Employees will love drinking their favorite flavored water throughout the day.

New York City Micro Market Ideas | Bottled Water | Morale Boosters

Free Micro Market Day

Celebrate a great summer by making everything free in your New York City micro market for one day. Employees scan items so we can track what they choose. Then, we give you a list and invoice so you can cover the cost.

This summer micro market treat is an excellent reward for your hardworking staff. Employees can grab special snacks like candy bars or trail mix. Or, they can enjoy a free lunch. Plus, they can quench their thirst with a cold drink.

Special Bulk Treats 

Are you planning a meeting, party, or picnic? Order bulk snacks or drinks you don’t normally offer. Treat your team to fruity candy or popcorn to keep with the summer vibe.

We can also supply chips and soft drinks for your barbecue. Let us know what you need so that we can help plan a successful summer event.

Also, consider elevating company meetings with visitors and out-of-towners. Serve bottled water and snacks. Also, offer extra coffee and tea options as a part of your New York City office coffee service. Iced coffee and specialty coffees are popular choices.

Marché Is Here to Bring Your Summer Picnic to Life

Whether you’re planning a summer picnic or simply want to improve morale, Marché is your partner. We offer refreshment solutions that will keep your team energized and refreshed. Get in touch at (631) 637-3209 to learn more about our break room solutions. We look forward to helping you boost company culture this summer.

New York City Breakfast Options | Office Food | Vending Service

3 Breakfast Replacements to Try in Your New York City Break Room

Mornings can be hectic. Getting to work on time sometimes means you don’t have time for breakfast. Yet, there’s a good reason people say it’s the most important meal of the day. Without that morning meal, it can be hard to be productive and get work done. So, if you missed breakfast this morning, look for one of these options in your New York City break room.

1. Protein-Rich Snacks

Chances are your New York City company break room has some healthy snacks high in protein. And when looking for a good breakfast replacement, something that’s high in protein is a great choice. Why? Because protein helps you feel full for a long time. Plus, protein helps keep your blood sugar stable. That means you’ll have the energy you need for your busy workday.

Some popular products to try include protein-rich granola bars and protein bars. Many break rooms also offer meat snacks such as jerky, which are also high in protein. Yet another option is a fortified drink.

2. Breakfast Foods

Would you prefer a more traditional breakfast? Our New York City micro-market refreshment service solution offers lots of choices. Take a look in the glass front cooler for egg sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, or yogurt. You can also find a variety of cereals and whole fruit in the micro-market.

To complement your breakfast, visit your New York City office coffee service. For many people, a cup of coffee is important for starting the day off right. Serve up a cappuccino from the single-cup coffee service. Or, make a hot cup of tea.

New York City Micro-Market Breakfast | Office Coffee Service | Productivity

3. Drinkable Breakfast Options

If you’re in a rush, a filling drink can be the perfect, quick breakfast. For example, why not try some milk? Both chocolate and plain milk are breakfast staples. Milk is great for bone health because it has calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein. Find dairy milk and plant-based alternatives in the coolers of your micro-market.

Another great breakfast drink is fruit juice. Fruit juices provide vitamins and minerals your body needs. Plus, they offer a boost of sugar to get you energized. Pair them with a healthy snack to sustain your energy, such as nuts and trail mix.

Don’t forget to hydrate! Although water isn’t considered a breakfast food, it’s essential for your body. In order to drink enough water, start drinking water in the early morning and drink often throughout the day. Head to your break room to fill your water bottle.

Need better-tasting water? We offer New York City water filtration services. Our water filtration systems filter out anything that makes water taste bad. It’s also great for making your office coffee taste better.

Bring More Breakfast Foods to Your Break Room

Does your New York City break room need more breakfast options? Having these foods in the break room is important for keeping employees energized and productive. When employees can easily access healthy, filling foods and snacks, they can get work done.

Marché is here to help stock your break room with a wide variety of breakfast options. Get in touch today at (631) 637-3209.

New York City Break Time Routine | Office Snacks | Vending Drinks

5 Necessities of a Healthy New York City Break Time Routine

Is your staff making the most of their break time routine? If not, it’s time they should be. That’s because mini breaks reduce stress. They can also improve your mood, health, and productivity. Thus, employees feel and perform their best. Unfortunately, employees might not use their breaks wisely, or, they may skip them altogether. That’s because employees may not have access to great options or may feel that they are wasting time.

So, how can you boost your team’s break-time routine? With better New York City break room services! Marché can help. Learn the five break room must-haves for healthy breaks.

1. Hydration Stations

Employees must stay hydrated. If they don’t, they might have headaches or dizziness. Dehydration can also make you tired. Therefore, it’s important to drink plenty of water. Proper hydration keeps employees alert and energized, which supports their well-being.

Help employees stay hydrated. How? Provide them with plenty of drink options like offering beverages in your New York City break room. Marché makes this easy! We have bottled water, juices, energy drinks, and more.

A New York City water filtration service also helps. It can be attached to your existing water lines and removes chemicals that affect smell and taste. Thus, water is fresher. Employees can enjoy cold or hot filtered water, adding it to drinks and tea. This makes it easier to stay hydrated.

2. Healthy Break Time Routine Snacks

Tempt employees into the break room with delicious snacks. Stock your break room with tons of options that employees can grab 24/7. Thus, they’ll feel full between meals. Snacks can also improve energy levels. Are employees feeling groggy? Give their brains a break by enticing them to step away from their desk and head to the break room. There, they can load up on healthy snacks.

Ask Marché about our New York City micro-market solutions. These mini-stores offer fresh meals and healthy choices. Enjoy a fresh salad or sandwich for lunch. Micro-markets are in your building. Thus, employees can buy fresh food on-site. This saves them time from rushing to the store.

3. Comfy Seats

Nobody likes sitting on cold, uncomfortable seats. Make your New York City break room comfy and cozy as this encourages more employees to use it. Add a table and some new chairs. You can also get a couch that way employees will have room to relax. They’ll also be able to eat lunch together.

New York City Micro-Market | Breakroom Refreshments | Healthy Food

Proper lighting and temperature go a long way. Use soft, inviting lighting to create a relaxing space. Keep the temperature at a comfortable level too, so employees will be more inclined to use the break room.

4. Connect with Coworkers During Your Break Time Routine

It’s important for employees to connect so they feel like part of a team. Promote workplace connections with delicious drinks, such as a New York City bean-to-cup coffee machine. This makes the break room feel like a café. Employees can enjoy gourmet coffee together. They can also make lattes or cappuccinos which encourages them to take more coffee breaks. Employees can chat with coworkers at the coffee bar. This fosters connection and collaboration.

5. Celebrate Your Crew

A better break routine starts with company culture. Encourage employees to take more breaks with an office pantry. You’ll cover the costs and employees can enjoy complimentary snacks and drinks. Another idea is to add money to their micro-market accounts so employees can buy discounted food. This is a great way to reward your team. It also improves workplace culture and employee satisfaction.

Improve Your Break Time Routine

Enhance your break time routine with superior break room services. Marché is here to help. We offer plenty of quality refreshment items. We also provide top-notch micro-market, office coffee, and water filtration solutions.

Want to know more? Contact us today at (631) 637-3209. We look forward to speaking to you!

New York City Beverage Vending | Office Water Service | Support Healthy Drinks

How to Support New York City Employees in the New Year with Good Hydration and Healthy Food

Are you thinking ahead to 2024? Improving your workplace starts with support for your team. Why? It’s because when everyone is supported, they have a positive attitude and your company can take on anything.

One place to consider for support is your New York City break room. Is it meeting the current and future needs of your employees? Upgrading your break room can show employees you care. That in turn can improve your overall workplace culture. Here’s how you can make it happen.

Support Your Team with Healthy Beverages

Staying hydrated is key to staying healthy. When your team is healthy, they can focus and get work done. Plus, healthy employees are less likely to call in sick. How can you support employees with hydration?

New York City Break Room Beverages

Break rooms can have lots of healthy beverages. Iced teas, fruit juice, and sparkling waters are all great options for employees looking to stay hydrated. Flavored waters with low to no sugar content are also great options. Let us know what you’d like to see! We can customize your New York City break room refreshments to match.

Water Filtration Station

Opting for New York City water filtration service is another excellent way to support healthy trends in 2024. Water has zero calories and is the perfect hydrator. It is essential for your physical health and can also improve your mood.

We’ll help create a water filtration service that meets your unique needs. Offer hot and cold water or even ice! Our water filtration systems improve the taste of water, offering fresh clean water free of impurities. It can even improve the taste of your New York City office coffee and tea as well.

Upgrade Your Break Room with Premium New York City Snacks and Food Options

New York City Micro-Market | Break Room Snacks | Support Office Pantry Service

Another need your employees will be looking for you to meet in your break room in 2024 is food. Bring more variety to your New York City break room. Support employees by bringing more healthy options. From protein-packed to low carb, dairy-free, vegan, and keto choices, you can offer a range of selections.

One way to bring these options to your break room is with a New York City micro-market. This innovative solution offers greater variety including fresh foods such as salads, sandwiches, wraps, and more!

Another premium option is New York City office pantry service. With this break room solution, you support employees by offering free snacks and beverages. When employees are hungry, they can quickly refuel between meetings and phone calls. That helps boost productivity. An office pantry is also a great tool for improving motivation and retention in the workplace.

Support Your Hardworking Team with a Comfortable New York City Break Room

Imagine a space with cozy armchairs and attractive tables. It’s like a cafe in your break room! A New York City break room that is comfortable encourages collaboration and good working relationships.

You can support employees by ensuring your break room is a comfortable place to visit and sit in. When employees take quality breaks, this fosters productivity. A well-designed break room can help create space for relaxing breaks. Even a few minutes can relieve stress and improve moods.

Creating a comfortable break room is simple. Be sure to include some group seating. Plus, add dedicated places for meals. That way, employees can take a minute away from their desks to recharge.

An New York City office coffee upgrade can also encourage breaks and collaboration. Consider installing new coffee equipment such as a bean-to-cup brewer. This modern office coffee brewer makes cafe style drinks that employees can enjoy together. Plus, you can boost the mood in meetings with lattes, cappuccinos, and other specialty drinks.

Marché is Your Partner in Break Room Solutions

Are you ready to start off 2024 on the right foot? We’re here to support you! Whatever your vision is for your New York City break room, we can make it happen. We offer a range of break room services including micro-markets, office pantry, office coffee services, and more. Get in touch with Marché at (631) 637-3209 to discuss your needs. We look forward to working with you.

New York City Employee Benefits | Break Room Services | Vending Service

3 Ways to Show New York City Employees Thanks

New York City employees want to feel appreciated for their hard work. They feel proud of their accomplishments and want their employer to take notice. That is why you should celebrate your team’s every win. This shows staff you care. Plus, a thankful culture improves morale and can boost retention.

So, how can you reward them? New York City break room services can help! Keep reading to learn three ways to thank your team.

1. Public Shout Outs

Employees want to feel seen. Shine the spotlight on them with public shoutouts. Mention names during in-person meetings. Or celebrate them online. Include birthdays or workplace anniversaries in your company newsletter.

Make staff the center of attention in your New York City micro-market. Throw them a birthday party. You can also host a team meeting. Call out everyone’s monthly wins.

While there, employees can buy yummy foods. For instance, they can get fresh meals or healthy snacks, and maybe even buy a refreshing beverage. Micro-markets have plenty of options. Thus, employees feel their best!

2. Break Room Freebies

Folks love free food! Surprise your staff with freebies. Ask Marché about our office pantry services. Employees can help themselves to free snacks. For instance, they can get nuts or cereal anytime they want. Therefore, employees can enjoy complimentary treats. It’s a great way to reward them.

Free food can help your staff work harder. They’ll be motivated to reach their goals. Employees will also feel accomplished.

New York City Micro-Market | Healthy Vending Snacks | Office Employees

3. Throw Employees a Party

Office parties show you care. They also bring employees together. Coworkers can connect. Thus, they will feel closer. This also helps them work better together.

Host a potluck in your break room. Team members can share their favorite dishes! Don’t forget the drinks. You can order options in bulk from us to offer free.

Thank Employees with Marché’s Break Room Solutions

Want to promote a culture of thanks? Contact Marché today. We offer quality break room services. This makes it easy to treat your team. For instance, you can offer New York City office pantry service where snacks and drinks are free to staff. Don’t forget about micro-markets and recognizing your team. The options are endless!

Want to learn more? Contact Marché today at (631) 637-3209. We’ll reward your crew. As a result, they’ll be happier. Employees will also work harder!

New York City Vending Service | Cookie Snacks | National Cookie Day

A Closer Look at a New York City Favorite: The Chocolate Chip Cookie

In honor of August 4th, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, we want to take a moment to highlight this much loved American classic. Chocolate chip cookies have become an iconic treat enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a quick snack or a delightful pairing to your office coffee, these cookies never fail to satisfy. Let’s explore why a chocolate chip cookie is a great addition to any New York City office break room.

The Chocolate Chip Cookie: A Sweet History

One of the reasons chocolate chip cookies are so popular is their rich history. The creation of the chocolate chip cookie can be traced back to Ruth Graves Wakefield in the 1930s. According to National Today, Wakefield was a talented chef and owner of the Toll House Inn. She invented this delightful treat when she ran out of baking chocolate and decided to use semi-sweet chocolate chunks instead. Little did she know that her baked treat would become a worldwide sensation. Today, chocolate chip cookies are a staple snack in offices everywhere, including our own New York City pantry service.

New York City Micro-Market | Healthy Snacks | Office Coffee & Cookie

A Cookie and Milk are a Classic Combo

Another reason why chocolate chip cookies are a fav in the office break room is the way they pair with milk. There’s something truly satisfying about dipping a baked chocolate chip cookie into a glass of cold milk. In fact, there’s a scientific reason behind the allure of this combo. The proteins in milk enhance the flavor of the cookie, making each bite even more delicious. So, next time you’re in the break room, grab a chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk from your New York City micro-market. You won’t regret it!

Speaking of micro-markets, these can offer a wide variety of snacks, beverages, and other convenience items for your break room. Then the staff has easy access to a range of food options, including fresh, yummy treats, and nutritious choices. It’s a great way to be able to satisfy cravings without leaving the office!

New York City Office Coffee Service Enhancing

If you’re in need of a caffeine fix during your workday, eating a chocolate chip cookie with your cup of coffee is a great upgrade. The combo of the rich, smooth flavors of coffee and the sweet, chocolaty goodness of a cookie is a match made in heaven. Cookies and coffee have been enjoyed together for many years. So, next time you’re brewing a cup of single-cup coffee or using a bean-to-cup machine, grab a chocolate chip cookie to enhance your New York City office coffee experience!

Chocolate chip cookies are a tasty add on to any office break room. Their rich history, perfect pairing with milk, and ability to enhance the coffee experience make them a go-to snack. Today or any day, make sure to indulge in this classic treat in your break room. It’s sure to make your workday a little sweeter!

Ready to learn more about how we can support your team? Contact Marché at (631) 637-3209 or for more information about our New York City micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

New York City Healthy Vending | Break Room Snacks | Hangry

Best New York City Break Room Services for Hangry Employees

Have you ever heard the term “hangry?” Yes, it’s a real thing. It’s a mashup of “hunger” and “anger.” Food affects your mood. It also affects your thinking and behavior. Hungry employees can be grumpy. They also have trouble concentrating which affects morale and productivity.

Want to help hangry employees feel full? Marché can help. Use our New York City break room services!

Modern Break Rooms

Get some New York City vending machines that are open 24/7. That way employees always have access to food and beverages. They can curb hunger with snacks and candy or even a variety of healthy options. Marché can stock vending items such as trail mix, beef jerky, popcorn, and string cheese. These snacks keep bellies full! Therefore, employees will feel their best.

Best of all, it’s easy for employees to pay. Our vending machines accept cash or credit.

Kick Hangry to the Curb with Open-Concept Refreshments

Want more variety? Try New York City micro-market service! A micro-market is an open-concept design that offers room for hundreds of options. Marché fills the coolers with fresh foods and cold beverages and stocks the micro-market racks with dry goods. Employees can buy salads or soups, grab fresh fruits, or purchase an afternoon snack. The options are endless! There is something for everyone.

Do your employees have dietary restrictions? How about different taste preferences? Marché will tailor the micro-market products to fit your workplace. That includes loads of healthy choices. As a result, everybody can stay full.

Our micro-markets have self-checkout kiosks. Pay for your food with cash, card, or mobile payment. It’s super convenient. Skip long lines at the store!

New York City Micro-Market | Healthy Office Pantry | Hangry

Treat Them to Free Food with an Office Pantry

A New York City office pantry is the best way to beat hangry! Employees have convenient access to snacks, food, and drinks. Plus, everything is free! They’ll feel appreciated. Thus, it boosts morale.

Marché works within your budget. We’ll find the best products for your office whether its packaged snacks or possibly bulk items in dispensers. You can also get beverages, which will promote staying hydrated. Thus, employees will feel great because hydration improves their mood and helps them focus.

Marché will keep your office pantry stocked. We keep track of inventory. We’ll also send you invoices. This way, you know what’s been eaten.

Nip Hangry in the Bud with Quality Break Room Services

Help hangry employees stay full with better break room services. That way workers will have 24/7 access to healthy, delicious foods that will keep them full, and happy.

Contact Marché today to learn more. We offer vending, micro-market, and office pantry services. Call us at (631) 637-3209 to defeat hangry once and for all!

Break Room Service New York City | Office Coffee Additions | Fresh Food

Cheery Additions for Your New York City Break Room

Time for a new and improved break room? A great New York City break room isn’t just about the snacks and beverages — although those are important. It’s also about additions that make employees feel welcome and relaxed on their breaks. It’s where they spend every workday, after all! So it should be somewhere they enjoy being.

If you’re not sure where to start, rest assured! We’ll work with you to provide customized additions to your break room that employees will love. Plus, we can consult with your team to provide the best tips for creating a cheerful office space.

So, are you ready to create an office break room that New York City employees are excited to come to? Then it’s time to brighten up gloomy days with these cheery break room additions.

Create an Inviting Office Space with Indoor Plants

There are many benefits to putting indoor plants in your office space. For starters, they look beautiful and are a calming piece of decor. However, it’s not all about looks with plants. They’re beautiful and healthy! Having greenery inside can improve air quality, reduce stress, improve your sense of well-being, support cognitive health, and more. As you can see, these simple break room additions can make a big difference. Some great indoor plant options that don’t require much maintenance include snake plants, spider plants, rubber plants, peace lilies, ferns, and English ivy.

Provide Office Coffee Service Additions

The key to a great break room is a high-quality office coffee service. Try adding new options to your break room like a New York City single-cup coffee brewer. This way, employees can make a personalized cup of coffee each morning. It’s like a barista-made brew from a coffee house but within steps of their desk! Additionally, it’s a good idea to provide hot tea options for non-coffee drinkers. Some tasty tea options include green tea, early grey, chai tea, and black tea. Your employees are sure to appreciate the variety!

Offer Freebies in Your New York City Break Room

The bottom line is everyone loves free stuff, and the workplace is no exception! Therefore, offering occasional free options is a great way to create a fun and cheerful break room. For example, you might implement “free fruit Fridays” or provide complimentary bottled water to all employees. This is a great way to encourage employees to take advantage of this wonderful employee perk. And they’re sure to come back to the break room more often!

New York City Vending Machine | Micro-Market Additions | Healthy Snacks

Upgrade Your Office Pantry Service

If you want to create a cheery break room, you might consider upgrading to New York City office pantry service. You can do this with snack and drink additions in the break room that are offered free to employees. We can provide popular and high-quality brands that will satisfy a variety of tastes.

Enhance Your Office Lighting

It may seem like such a simple change, but having the right lighting really can make a difference. Switch out harsh office lights for warmer tones. Consider layered, supplemental lighting in your break room rather than overhead fluorescent lights. This is an easy yet effective way to boost employee moods and make the break room more welcoming.

Get Positive Additions to Your New York City Break Room Environment

Give employees the cheery and inviting office space they deserve! Contact Marché at (631) 637-3209 or for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!