New York City Healthy Vending | Healthy and Wellness Goals | Employee Morale

4 New York City Break Room Upgrades that Help Employees Reach Their Wellness Goals

As workplace wellness trends gain momentum, more companies are helping employees achieve their wellness goals. Healthy workplace cultures boost staff satisfaction, productivity, and retention. It also shows employees you care.

Want to help your team feel their best, both inside and out? Show your support with these four New York City break room upgrades.

1. Healthy New York City Break Rooms

Give employees easy access to better-for-you options. How? Ask Marché about our healthy New York City micro-markets. We offer many delicious and nutritious products. Thus, employees can buy healthy snacks 24/7. For instance, get nuts, granola bars, and dried fruit.

We’ll also label healthy items. This takes the guesswork out of healthy eating!

2. New York City Micro-Markets Support Wellness Goals

In addition to healthy snacks, offer fresh foods. Micro-markets are mini-stores that have tons of space. Therefore, New York City employees can buy plenty of lunch options. They can purchase salads, soups, or sandwiches. Shoppers can even get healthy sides, like meat snacks or carrots.

Micro-markets can also reduce stress. Skip the lunch rush at stores or restaurants. Buy fresh, healthy food right on-site!

New York City Micro-Market | Healthy Goals | Wellness Snacks

Make sure your break room has comfy seats and tables. This way, coworkers can eat lunch together.

3. Great-Tasting Hydration

Drinking water is important. It prevents dehydration and improves work performance. Encourage employees to drink more with great-tasting water. Get a New York City water filtration service. Employees will have delicious water on demand. It also prevents plastic waste. Just refill your bottle!

Our filtration units offer instant hot water too. Add it to your mug and brew up some hot tea. Speaking of tea, Marché carries tons of trendy options. Many of them have great health benefits. One example is green tea, which is rich in antioxidants. We also have tons of herbal teas. These can boost your immune system and overall health.

4. Collaborative Spaces Promote Mental Well-Being

Workplace wellness goes far beyond physical health. It also includes mental well-being. Employees who feel like part of a team are happier. Promote connection with collaborative spaces. A coffee bar does the trick! Coworkers across departments can connect as they load up on coffee.

We offer simple coffee bar solutions. For example, add a New York City single-cup coffee brewer. This makes different gourmet flavors each by the cup. The coffee is always fresh. It’s perfect for the break room and conference rooms. Sip delicious coffee while brainstorming fresh ideas.

Marché Helps Employees Achieve Their Wellness Goals

Promote workplace wellness with better break room solutions. Marché is here to help! We carry healthy snacks and fresh foods. Additionally, we have healthy teas and can make water taste great. Employees will stay healthy, happy, and hydrated.

Contact Marché today at (631) 637-3209 to learn more. We look forward to speaking with you!

New York City Office Water | Cold Beverages | Refreshment Service

Office Water Trends for New York City Break Rooms Your Staff Will Love

Your New York City workplace will stand out when you add the latest office water options to your break room. Offering a variety of water options in your break room can bring many benefits. Not only are New York City water filtration systems and water dispensers eco-friendly, but drinking water is also healthy.

So, what are some water trends to add to your break room? And how will they help your team? Discover the many office water options available and how they can improve your workplace.

Why Office Water?

Why should you add a water system to your break room? There are many good reasons. The first one is good health. You’re probably aware that your body is made mostly of water. Overall, the human body is about 60% water. However, some organs, like the brain and heart, are over 70% water. That means that getting enough water every day is very important for your health.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, women should drink 11 cups of water per day and men should drink 16 cups of water today. Yet, the CDC reports that the average adult only drinks 5.5 cups of water per day.

Good hydration can help improve mood, cognition, and sleep quality. These health improvements can help your New York City staff stay productive in the workplace. Encourage your team to drink enough water with these excellent office water options.

New York City Micro-Market | Water Filtration | Office Coffee

Bottleless Water Filtration Service

Having a bottless water filtration service in your break room is a great add-on to New York City vending service. Plus, it helps your team stay hydrated. Water filtration service filters tap water to remove impurities. It also improves the taste of the water. Attached to your existing water line, your water supply is endless. There are a variety of water filtration systems including floor-standing and countertop models. You can pick one that works best for your space. Both hot and cold water are available at the press of a button.

A water filtration service brings advantages to your workplace. It encourages employees to use refillable cups and water bottles. That means you’ll be doing your part to help the environment. The great taste of the water can also boost hydration. Your employees will feel more alert when they get enough water.

Water filtration systems are also the perfect enhancement to your New York City office coffee service. The filtered water can be used in the brewer, making coffee and even tea taste even better.

Office Water Systems Your Staff Will Love

An office water system is a great employee perk your staff will love. It’s the perfect complement to your New York City micro-market, where employees can also grab fresh food and snacks. With good hydration, your whole New York City workplace can improve.

At Marché we’re here to help with the office water system that meets your needs. Get in touch today at (631) 637-3209. We look forward to installing your office water system.

New York City Workplace Dehydration | Office Water | Healthy

Use the Break Room to Fight New York City Workplace Dehydration

Despite the cooler temperatures, employees can still battle dehydration in the winter. As a result, they can get headaches, dizziness, and kidney problems. In extreme cases, being dehydrated leads to seizures and heatstroke. Yikes!

To avoid dehydration, encourage employees to drink more water. A New York City water filtration service can help. Here’s how to use it to fight dehydration in your workplace.

Counter Dehydration with Delicious Water

Nothing is better at fighting dehydration than water. Drinking plenty of it can improve your mood, prevent infections, and boost productivity. Thus, employees feel great. They’ll also be able to work harder and stay healthy. As a result, your staff might take fewer sick days.

New York City filtered water coolers make water taste superb. Additionally, they’re great for break rooms of all sizes. That’s because they come in countertop and floor-standing models. Advanced filtration removes chemicals and yucky odors.

Better yet, filtered water units offer cold or hot water on demand. Employees can have easy access to cool, crisp water. Or, they can make delectable cups of hot tea and coffee. This enhances your New York City office coffee services.

Add Fun Reminders to the Work Day

Your workday can quickly become packed with meetings and tasks. This can make it hard to stay hydrated. Busy employees might forget to drink water. As such, it’s important to remind your team to stay healthy.

New York City Micro-Market | Vending Machine Prevent Dehydration | Office Pantry

Keep employees hydrated with fun reminders. For instance, give each employee a reusable water bottle. They can keep these on their desks. When they see their water bottle, employees will be reminded to drink water. They can fill up their bottle at the filtered water cooler.

Best of all, this makes your office greener. Reusable water bottles reduce landfill waste and lower your carbon footprint.

Upgrade to a Flavored Water Cooler

Some filtered water coolers aren’t just for break rooms. They are wonderful additions to New York City office pantry service. That’s because these water filtration options allow you to customize your beverages. For example, you can add different flavors to your drinks. Or, you can carbonize your water.

Your staff will love personalizing their complimentary drinks. They can also grab their favorite office pantry snacks. A glass of water pairs perfectly with healthy snacks like nuts or crackers.

Hydrate with Micro-Market Snacks

Want other options to keep your team from getting dehydrated? Consider requesting your New York City micro-market be stocked with some fruit. For example, watermelon and strawberries are packed with water. Employees can enjoy them as snacks. Or, they can have them as a side for lunch. What a yummy way to stay hydrated!

Stop Workplace Dehydration

To conclude, a New York City water filtration service and hydration-promoting snacks can keep headaches, dizziness, and health problems at bay. Ensure your employees have all-day access to fresh water that even makes your coffee taste better. Plus, give them good-quality snacks.

Need help keeping your New York City break room employee ready? Refreshment services from Marché can help. To learn more, call us today at (631) 637-3209.

New York City Tea Service | Hot Tea | Office Coffee

The Keys to a Great Tea Service in Your New York City Break Room

An office coffee service isn’t the only thing that makes a great New York City break room. even better. For employees who don’t drink coffee, an office tea service is also essential! Tea is a great coffee alternative that offers a variety of benefits. Some teas, such as green tea, can even support long-term health when consumed regularly.

If you’re looking for ways to upgrade your break room solutions, your office tea service is the perfect place to start. So, are you ready to give your employees break room beverage options they’ll love? Then read on for the top keys to an excellent office tea service.

Employees enjoy variety in your New York City break room

The best part about tea is that there are endless varieties. With so many flavor options and tastes, employees will never get bored! In fact, many tea options provide valuable health benefits. The most popular teas to put in your break room include:

    • Herbal Tea: This refers to any infusion of herbs, spices, or other plant material in hot water. There are many different kinds of herbal teas. They can help to relax, soothe, and uplift mood, which is perfect for the workplace.
    • Green Tea: Not only does green tea taste good, but it’s also good for you! In fact, green tea can help with weight loss and reduce your risk of diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.
    • Black Tea: The antioxidant properties in black tea are thought to boost heart health, improve gut health, reduce blood pressure, and more.

New York City Break Room Services | Healthy Tea | Hot Beverages

Go beyond tea bags for your team

While single-serve tea bags are the most common option, there are other ways to bring tea to your break room. For instance, employees can make a single cup of tea in single-cup coffee brewers. This helps them personalize their tea even further, as they can make it hot or pour it over ice. It’s a simple way to upgrade both your tea service and your New York City office coffee service! Simply add tea pods to the mix for the single-cup brewer in your break room.

Keep tea service fresh with proper care

A great break room tea service starts with proper care and good water. Ensure you store the tea in air-tight containers to maintain freshness. Additionally, use a water filtration service to provide clean and pure water for employees. This will not only make tea taste better, but employees will feel better knowing they have clean water at work.

Upgrade your New York City tea service with delicious options

Contact Marché at (631) 637-3209 or for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, or vending services. We look forward to working with you!

New York City Break Room | Small Water Coolers | Eco-friendly Solutions

3 Small New York City Break Room Solutions That Offer Big Benefits

Your New York City break room doesn’t have to be large in order for employees to fully enjoy it. In fact, with the right solutions, even smaller break rooms, with the right services, can enhance workplace culture.

Want to transform your small break room into an office oasis? Here are three small New York City break room solutions that can improve employee engagement in a big way.

1. Modern Vending Machines

A modern New York City vending machine is a small break room must-have. Today’s vending machines are sleek and stylish. Moreover, they’re also user-friendly. Your staff will love the superior form and function.

Modern vending machines are also eco-friendly. That’s because their LED lights use less electricity. As a result, your office will use less energy. This can also lower your utility bills. That means you save money while protecting the planet!

Lastly, modern New York City vending machines are simple to use. Mobile pay readers make paying with credit cards a breeze. Employees will love buying delicious foods right on site!

Snack Vending Machines | Office Coffee & Water | New York City Small Break Room Solutions

2. Office Coffee Service

It’s no secret that employees love coffee. For this reason, your small break room needs a New York City office coffee service. A single-cup brewer is a great option. That’s because it’s compact, yet offers a variety of hot drinks. Pamper your staff with premium coffee while saving space.

Don’t forget the creamers and sweeteners! The right coffee creamer packs more flavor into every sip. Furthermore, specialty creamers are a fantastic seasonal treat. For instance, peppermint creamer inspires holiday cheer. Similarly, pumpkin spice is perfect for the fall.

3. Water Filtration Service

Keep employees hydrated with a New York City water filtration service. Choose from a variety of options. For example, you can get a plumbed-in countertop or floor-standing model that will deliver delicious water in a small footprint.

A water filtration service can also improve the flavor of coffee, tea, and other beverages. Drinks will always taste fresh. You can also upgrade to a water cooler that offers flavorings. As a result, your crew can enjoy endless flavor options. Best of all, this cooler uses the same or less space as a vending machine!

Boost Employee Engagement with Small New York City Break Room Solutions

As you can see, your small New York City break room can go a long way. These break room solutions can boost employee engagement. Moreover, they can also increase employee retention rates. That’s because happy employees want to stick around!

Need help picking out the perfect solutions for your small break room? Marché is happy to assist you! Our experts will help you find great products based on your unique needs.

Transform your small New York City break room into an employee paradise. Call us today at (631) 637-3209 to find out how!

New York City Employee Perks | Positive Lifestyle Choices | Water Filtration System

4 Ways Our New York City Water Filtration Service is Making a Splash

New York City Employee Perks | Positive Lifestyle Choices | Water Filtration System

Fun fact: employees love water! Why, you might ask? Because staying properly hydrated has many health benefits. For example, it improves mood and boosts motivation. Additionally, it increases focus and energy levels. So, consider adding a water filtration service to your New York City break room services. We promise you won’t regret it!

Still not convinced? Here are five reasons why you need a New York City water filtration service in your break room.

1. Water can Effect Job Performance

For starters, did you know that being hydrated can promote productivity? That’s right! Staying hydrated increases concentration. Additionally, it reduces your chances of getting a headache. What’s more, employees that drink water throughout the day are more focused. Best of all, they’ll feel proud they conquered their tasks! Therefore, adding our water solutions to your New York City vending service is a no brainer!

2. Being Hydrated Increases Energy and Improves Mood

Guess what: A quick trip to your New York City beverage vending machine can improve energy levels. Yep, you read that right! If an associate is feeling sluggish, drinking water helps! In fact, hydration energizes the brain. Keep your crew happy and healthy by stocking your New York City break room with tons of hydrating beverages. We’re certain both your employees and management team will thank you!

3. A Water Filtration System Promotes Positive Lifestyle Choices

Water keeps your team on track with their health goals. Equally important, it promotes long term positive lifestyle choices. Moreover, staying hydrated keeps you feeling full between meals. If an employee feels hungry, they can reach for their water bottle to satisfy their cravings. As a result, employees feel fit and fabulous! So, strengthen your New York City wellness initiatives with our premium water filtration services!

New York City Vending Machines | Water Filtration | Healthy Options | Beverages

4. Employees who Drink Water are More Healthy

Hydrated employees have healthy hearts! Drinking water decreases your risk of heart disease. For this reason, it’s essential in the workplace. Consequently, it’s important to drink plenty of water year-round, not just in the summer!

Plus, employees aren’t the only ones who benefit from water. Your business can too! Proper hydration prevents sickness and boosts immunity. As a result, your staff will feel healthier all year long. Decreases sick days and fosters workplace wellness by upgrading your New York City coffee service with our water service today!

Discover the Benefits of a New York City Water Filtration Service

In summary, hydration benefits your employees and your company! Are you ready to enhance your New York City refreshment services so they work for your company? If so, Marché can help! Our knowledgeable team will help you find the perfect fit for your break room. To learn more, call us today at (631) 637-3209. We’ll keep your team hydrated!