Coffee Service in New York City

New York City, Discover Eight Random Coffee Facts

Coffee Service in New York City

It’s no secret that coffee plays a big role in many New York City individuals’ daily routines. But the draw to one’s daily boost of caffeine may not just be a habit or the need for a pick-me-up. Recent research performed at the University of Portsmouth in England found that coffee drinkers can recognize the odor of small amounts and can do it faster than non-coffee drinkers.

Dr Lorenzo Stafford, lead researcher and olfactory expert, explained that the more caffeine an individual consumed, the faster that individual recognized the smell of coffee. The researchers also found that consumers who regularly ingested higher amounts of caffeine could smell an extremely diluted coffee solution at lower concentrations when compared to other participants. As cravings increased for these individuals, so did their ability. 

Enjoying a cup of coffee really is a multi-sensory experience. Given how much there is still to learn about our favorite cup of Joe, let’s look at eight interesting and random facts.

  • A third of all the tap water Americans drink is first brewed into coffee. Now this is a really good reason to offer filtered water to New York City employees in their break room.
  • Coffee, as we know it today, wasn’t enjoyed as a beverage until 1000 CE. Before then, the berries from the Coffea plant were ground together with animal fat to make energy bites.
  • Finland drinks the most coffee in the world at 26.5 lbs per inhabitant followed by Norway (21.8 lbs), Iceland (19.8 lbs), Denmark (19.18 lbs) and the Netherlands (18.5 lbs). The United States comes in at number 26.
  • Coffee is the world’s second largest traded commodity after crude oil with over 2.25 billion cups of Joe consumed daily. 
  • Only the states of Hawaii and now California produce coffee in the United States. Hawaii’s weather matches other parts of the world that are located along the equator.
  • Breaking an old record and winning the 2019 Guinness World Record for the largest cup of coffee, the Alcaldía Municipal de Chinchiná in Colombia poured 6,007.04 U.S. gallons of Arabic brew into a single cup.
  • Today, Beethoven would likely be considered a difficult customer at his local cafe. The story goes that each cup of brew that he enjoyed had to be made with exactly 60 beans; no more, no less.
  • The final fact is an unusual one. A cat named Crème Puff holds the title for “the oldest cat ever” at age 38 years and three days old. It wouldn’t be so odd except Crème Puff enjoyed coffee, bacon, eggs and broccoli every morning and took the record from Grandpa Rex Allen (age 34). The two cats were owned by the same individual and were fed identical diets.
Coffee Service in New York City

As the new year approaches, we’d like to make one prediction about what employers could offer in their New York City break room to keep coffee lovers happy. Our list would include a variety of delicious options including espresso-based drinks; a full selection of supplies including dairy and non-dairy creamers and sweeteners; and a variety of hot teas for the tea lover.

For more information about upgrading your current office coffee service, customizing a new one or adding healthy and delicious options to your break room subsidized micro-market, please call Marché at 833-627-2431.

Tea in New York City

Tea Is a Better Choice in New York City

Tea in New York City

Today’s tea market is experiencing exciting changes. Innovative new beverages with a variety of unique ingredients have found their way to New York City consumers. Rather than seeing tea and other similar beverages as separate from all the different foods individuals eat, those beverages are now being measured by the same standards. 

A white paper recently published by the World Tea Expo examined several industry issues that are projected to impact the future of the industry. According to the document, New York City consumers want the following:

  • convenience: hot and cold options, easy to consume on the go, anytime and anywhere
  • nutrient density and health potential: organic farming, regenerative agriculture and zero waste
  • consciousness: supporting a system that that has a positive impact; sustainability and Fair Trade
  • ingredients: no sugar, organic, nutritious and functional

While all these characteristics are important, functional ingredients stand out as a smart way to combine the enjoyment of drinking tea with positive health benefits such as an increase in energy or relaxation. 

With at least 80 percent of Americans experiencing stress daily and struggling to relax their bodies and calm their minds, the chance of illnesses occurring increases. But a reduction in stress can help combat many of them including heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic pain and poor sleep. 

Relaxing with a cup of tea can reduce stress on its own, but when it’s combined with practicing mindfulness, the health benefits grow to include a reduction in stress and anxiety, improved attention and memory and better self-regulation and empathy. 

Tea in New York City

What exactly is mindfulness? It’s the ability to be fully present or being aware of what’s going on without becoming overwhelmed. A different way to look at it is noticing all one’s thoughts and emotions without making judgments about them. 

Incorporating mindfulness opportunities into the workday is beneficial for both employees and employers. New York City employees who are healthier and have less stress not only develop better connections with others including their colleagues but are also more productive. 

To increase the likelihood that employees can practice mindfulness (and enjoy hot beverages), employers need to step up and provide a variety of relaxing environments from quiet corners to break rooms with comfortable seating options. Healthy snacks and fresh food in the break room will also help employees manage their health. 

As the 2019 ends and 2020 approaches, how will your organization help employees reduce stress, improve their diet and find small moments to practice mindfulness? We here to help design a break room that encourages mindfulness and to create a customized refreshment menu with everyone’s favorite choices. For more information about our other break room services, please contact Marché at 833-627-2431.